From March til Now
Health Insurance + Diabetes
Ever since I was diagnosed with Diabetes (almost a year ago), I have been fighting with Anthem to get them to pay for such things as blood-glucose test strips (Anywhere from $.50 to $.86 apiece, 4-6 strips a day), and my initial education from the hospital on how to dose insulin/etc.
After calling them every week for about 10 months, they finally conceeded that Diabetes was NOT pre-existing, and so they will "cover" all my expenses.
What they didn't mention is that by "cover" they really meant "apply to deductible." So in the end, the fight was for jack shit. They owe me $0, it seems.
Erin moved in
On July 1, Erin moved out of her old apartment and into mine. The transition was subtle; she had already been spending all but a couple nights a week at my place. We just moved her computer and her clothes over, and bought a new dresser.
It's been great so far :)
That seems like about it, for big events.